Building Resiliency

It’s impossible not to feel some form of anxiety these days. Our world is upended: the way we interact, the way we travel, the way we do business, the way we exercise, the way we shop for food – all of it has changed. And the media is right there, documenting every step along theContinue reading “Building Resiliency”

That Achey Leg Feeling

Know what feels good? Going out for a long, hard ride on the bike and coming home completely wrecked. It makes you forget about the world we’re in these days, even with the constant reminders of people wearing face masks and towns looking deserted. If you push yourself hard enough, you feel completely present inContinue reading “That Achey Leg Feeling”

Saying Goodbye Is Never Easy

Ben and I said goodbye to our sweet, loyal and old pup Moonli at 4:30pm yesterday. He lived 14.5 full years and we’re so thankful for the time we got to share with him. Things were getting pretty bad at the end – his cleft pallet membrane had a puncture and he was obsessively eatingContinue reading “Saying Goodbye Is Never Easy”

Quick Case Count Update

You’re getting two for one entries today. And news that it’s recommended all people wear masks. Shocking. Not really. Colorado COVID19 Case Load: 4,173 cases, 823 hospitalized, 53 counties, 22,071 people tested, 111 deaths, 27 outbreaks at residential and non-hospital health care facilities. Denver 716, 14 deaths Arapahoe 500, 10 deaths Jefferson 440, 13 deathsContinue reading “Quick Case Count Update”

Mask Maker

Finally! My random sewing skills can be put to use. I’ve been on a mask making spree. Some are with elastic, some are made with binding and some have wire nose pieces to keep the mask from fogging up your face. The White House is expected to urge Americans to wear face covering in public. Continue reading “Mask Maker”

Colorado Case Summary

I ate too much cake and sweet things yesterday and am paying for it today. I feel inflamed from all of the sugar and my face is puffy and attitude a little shitty – but things should be better by tomorrow. Phew! 3,342 Cases, 620 hospitalized, 50 counties, 18,645 people tested, 80 deaths, 17 outbreaksContinue reading “Colorado Case Summary”

Quick Update

Had a super amazing birthday today. Did a sprint workout with some athletes this early morning, baked a cake, went on a long hike, ate dinner from our favorite restaurant in Boulder and am about to hit the couch. That’s my kind of birthday! Back to the count…. 2,966 cases, 509 hospitalized, 50 counties, 16,849Continue reading “Quick Update”